"Jumanji" with Dune Johnson will be the third part


Director Jake Cazdan, Creator "Jumanji: Call of Jungle" 2017 and "Jumanji: New Level" 2019, in an interview with Collider, reported that the third part of the franchise is coming:

Before that global disaster, we started a discussion of the project. And resume work as soon as everything comes to normal.

Jake Caezdan reported that while the plot of the third part was not defined. But he hopes that it will be possible to save the level given by the two previous pictures, and the new part will be the same exciting. The director noted that all members of the film crew love to work on franchise films and happily perceived the opportunity to participate in the continuation.

In the main roles in the first two films, Dueine Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Karen Gillan and Nick Jonas. It is expected that they will perform their roles in the third part.

The film "Jumanji" directed by Joe Johnston 1995 with Robin Williams in the title of 65 million dollars collected more than 260 million. After the success of the picture, a cartoon series was created with the same name, which told about the world, where Alan Parrish disappeared for many years.

The current restart of the franchise is not a direct continuation of the original film, where the heroes got into another world in their own bodies, and borrowed an idea of ​​a cartoon when the characters had avatars, significantly different from them in real life. At the box office, new franchise films earned 962 and 796 million dollars.

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