Jody Foster admitted that Anthony Hopkins scared her on the set of "silence of lambs"


The shooting in the film was delivered by the young actress unprecedented discomfort, and the famous scenes of interrogation of Hannibal Lecter were plunged by Foster in shock. In the final version of the installation, the audience see that the FBI agent and the maniac are sitting against each other, in fact, due to complex scenery, one of the actors was far in the background, and his partner could only hear the voice. "If you review the movie, you will see that the actors look strictly into the lens, and not on their partner behind the scenes. When I starred in those scenes with Dr. Lecter, I did not see his face, but only heard his frightening voice, "says the actress. According to her, the inability to see his colleague has made the entire experience of filming rather unpleasant.

Jody Foster admitted that Anthony Hopkins scared her on the set of

On the last day of the shooting, Jody Foster admitted to Hopkins, which was really afraid of him. Amazingly, but the actor replied that he felt the same. However, the nervous tension paid off with interest - "silence of the lambs" brought actors on Oscar. In addition, the psychological thriller was noted in the "best film" nominations, the "best director" and "best adapted script".

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