"On your earned": Gnome Dwarves gave a friend Kit Dior for 60 thousand rubles


Producer Yana Rudkovskaya shared with fans touching video with younger son Sasha. She published a roller in his instagram account, in which the boy makes a gift to his girlfriend.

The son of Yana and Evgenia Plushenko has long been earning on his nanny and coach. Sasha stands on ice with his father and sololy, receives prizes at professional competitions and is filmed in advertising. According to the star mother, Gnome Dwarves earns 12 million rubles a year.

It is not surprising that he was able to make his girlfriend Vioola Antonova's expensive gift. Yana shot on the video, as Sasha stretched out the girl with a convolution inside. Viola received a velvet dress and hair rim from Dior for 60 thousand rubles.

The girl thanked Sasha and hugged the joy. Gnome Dwarple was embraced, but when Viola tried to kiss him on his cheek, embarrassed and moved to the side.

"I love to give gifts to girls, especially when I choose myself and spending your earned," Sasha signed.

Subscribers Rastogal video with children. "Funny! The guy of the girls of courtesy was cleaned, "so touching", "what kind of silty", "quenched", "so sweet. Sasha is such a brought up boy, "the emotions of Folloviers shared.

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