How big to offend a person depending on his sign of the zodiac


According to astrology, such reactions are born for certain reasons depending on the zodiac affiliation of people. Find out how you can offend each of us.


With Aries quite easily start a quarrel. No wonder the Aries compare with Ares - the God of War. The people of this sign of the zodiac are competitive and are determined to achieve their own. If you want to see their bad side, just tell them that they are not capable of weaklings. Aries do not tolerate criticism in any way and too painfully react to comments. However, be careful - the dispute with the autumn can turn into a physical fight. This will happen faster than you think.


Taurus - materialists and appreciate the most beautiful things in life. They strive for luxury, are proud of their home, collections and investments. Do not try to express your unflattering remarks regarding their taste and accumulation - it will be perceived as an insult and will inevitably cause confrontation. Remember, the Tales hold the resentment for a long time and rarely forgive them.


Gemini tend to agree with the prevailing opinions and take any party in collective discussions. Such behavior is like a dress, it is due to the fact that the twins are emotional and quickly switch from one topic to another, without investing great meaning in the essence of the question. It is possible to offend them if you specify this line of character and try in publicly telling them that they are "FLUGERS".


Cancers are too emotional, sensitive and affordable people. Very often they play the role of martyrs. This is due to their selfish nature. If you tell them that they think too much about themselves loved ones and pay little attention to their loved ones - they will be offended! After all, it seems to them that all their lives they only do what they care about others. Undervaluation and lack of gratitude - the cause of quarrels with people of this sign of the zodiac. Do not forget to praise them.

a lion

Want to see how loving lions go out of themselves? Just ignore them. Lions - artistic nature and any of its own action turn into a performance, at the end of which they want to get a flurry of applause and delights. If this does not happen, the lions are fruitful and go crazy from anger. People of this sign will never forgive public insult and unflattering statements in their address, because they are self-proclaimed "stars" who deserve universal love.


Virgas are not offended by words. To bring them out of equilibrium, the one who breaks the order in their house: not there will put a cup, put the books not in the order, will not lower the water in the toilet and shindles the mirror in the bathroom. If you destroy an orderly and systemic environment in which Virgin live, then you can get into their disfavor. Perfectionism of the people of this sign of the zodiac - fantastic! God forbid you make a chaos in it. And try to never disappoint our deeds. Otherwise, they will draw you out of life.


In its nature, the scales do not like to be angry. All their lives, they try to smooth conflicts, fight anger and negative. If you really want the scales "broke", argue with them to the end! At the end of the "roast" dialogue, tell me that their point of view is in the root of the wrong and deprived of every common sense. With this statement, the scales will not agree and bring you to the list of their enemies. Betrayal and false people of this sign never forgive. Remember it.


Passion and experienced emotions Scorpions are deeply hiding within themselves. It is difficult to understand, they are angry or not at the moment. They are difficult to feel - scorpions for those surrounding people are too hidden. There is one faithful way to "talk" their nerve - it is to break something intimate and secret that you know about their personal life. Scorpions will not forgive you if you give them secrets. Yes, after that, they will smile in your face and pretend that nothing happened, but inside itself will be thought out of a cunning plan of revenge.


In fact, Sagittarov is difficult to offend, as they represent one of the most stubborn and peace-loving signs of the zodiac. The only thing they cannot tolerate is liars. At first, Sagittariy trust absolutely everyone, but it is worth them to burn on someone's lies, then the insult and anger are inevitable. Perhaps loud they say the words of forgiveness, but it will be only words. Sagittarius will bring the deceivers in the blacklist, leave which will not succeed.


Capricorns are proud of their rational efficiency and planning skills. Want to prick them? Then tell them that their goals are frivolous, ideas are stupid, and that they could find the best ways to use their time, and not to spend it on any nonsense. Capricors are most wounded the statements about their worthlessness, and the criticism of any sense puts the cross on friendly relations with them.


Aquarius - extraordinary people, obsessed with fantastic and large-scale ideas. What seems to us unreal and unattainable, for Aquarius - quite ordinary phenomena. The people of this zodiac sign are able to see the world much wider than it is given to everyone else. And if you try to give the Aquarius to give advice to fall on the ground and focus on more landed things, it wounds them in the heart and causes offense. After all, only they are able to save humanity!


Fish can be upset long before you start to attack them. However, truly painting fish is very difficult - they will rather feel guilty and pay as soon as they face face to face with a conflict situation. If you want to see the tears of the wrath of fish, then tell them that they are hysterical, that they react too sharply in situations and do not know how to control their emotions. These charges will be proceedable for them.

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