In the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" may return to Dave Jones


Franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean" brought more than 4.5 billion dollars and created a huge fan base. But the continuation of the world of history, adding new and new layers of mythology and the plot details to the already sophisticated history. Therefore, Disney decided to restart the series.

About the new film is still more rumors than real facts. It is assumed that the main role in the picture will be given to a woman. After Radiation Johnny Depp from the role of Jack Sparrow Against the background of his divorce with Amber Herd now there is a chance that the actor will return, once in the history of the divorce of the victim and the villain changed seats. Orlando Bloom should play Will Turner again in an episodic role.

In the new

The WE Got This Covered portal reports that, according to their source, Disney believes that the potential of such a character was not fully in previous films as Davi Jones used. He must appear in the new picture, and be sure to perform Bill Nia, playing Jones in previous paintings.

No data about the possible timing of the premiere of the new film is not yet. Currently, working on the script.

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