The producer of "Invisible Man" told how the film business will change after coronavirus


In an interview with The Daily Wire, the producer Jason Bloom wondered how the film industry would change after the coronavirus pandemic. From the beginning of this year, two films came out. And if the "invisible person" managed to collect the cashier in the cinemas, then the "hunt" was late. And now both films will be released in digital formats so that people are in self-insulation will be watched. Some leaders of the film companies argue that after a pandemic everything will return to the circles, but Bloom thinks otherwise:

It is not necessary to think that all studios will wait for four months between the premiere in theaters and the translation of films into digital format. In this case, we will lose Amazon, Netflix and Apple. We will have to look for other ways to compete. There will be changes. The consumer will get used to stay at home after the epidemic, so the film companies will have forced to act differently.

Of course, the experience of collective campaigns in the cinema will not disappear. I think that the number of films will decrease with the very window of four months. Perhaps the number of films shown by film masters will grow, but they will go for a week or two, and then go into the figure.

The National Association of Cinema Owners has already published a statement that still waiting for all films in the cinemas, the dates of the prime minister were transferred to an indefinite period. This is caused by the fear that studios will decide to cancel the display of offline and immediately place movies to view online.

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