Killian Murphy claimed Bruce Wayne in the "Dark Knight"


Killian Murphy ("sharp visors") was a guest of a talk show "Late night with Net Maerse." During the show, he told about how Christopher Nolan tried him to the role of Bruce Wayn:

It was obvious to me that Batman should be Christian Bale. He is a magnificent Batman and Bruce Wayne. And by that time it was clear. But I had to dress up Batman. It seems that it was the costume of Vel Kiler. They made me put on it, slept in my size. And these are very strange sensations. You wear a suit and mask - and your voice is immediately reduced into two octaves.

Val Kilmer performed the role of Batman in the 1995 film "Batman Forever" directed by Joel Schumacher. In the film of Christopher Nolan "Dark Knight" 2008, as predicted by Murphy, the role of Batman / Bruce Wayna was performed by Christian BTL. Merphy himself got the role of the villain of Dr. Jonathan Crane / Pugala.

Killian Murphy claimed Bruce Wayne in the

In this year, Killian Murphy will play a mysterious character of the Ememet in the hire "quiet place 2". Since the plot of the film is kept secret until no one knows, he will be a hero or a villain. The final date of the film premiere is not yet named.

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