Khalisi and Prince: Emily Clark caught on a date with Matt Smith


Matt Smith, who played Prince Phillip in the series "Crown", and Emilia Clark, who performed the role of Princess Daineris Targaryen in the "Game of Thrones", gave rise to rumors about the novel.

Recently they saw them together in London, the District of Soho, where they visited the Bob Bob Ricard Restaurant, specializing in Russian cuisine. Eyewitnesses say that Smith and Clark looked elegant and romantic, and after dinner went to walk around the city and even kept hands.

Khalisi and Prince: Emily Clark caught on a date with Matt Smith 17402_1

Khalisi and Prince: Emily Clark caught on a date with Matt Smith 17402_2

Note that Emilia and Matt are familiar with the filming of the film 2015 "Terminator: Genesis".

Khalisi and Prince: Emily Clark caught on a date with Matt Smith 17402_3

A few months ago, Matt broke up with the actress Lily James, before that he met with the model Daisy Lowe. As for Emilia, a couple of months ago there were rumors that she meets with Tom Terner, director assistant. Insiders told that they are in love with each other and plan a joint future. Before that, Emilia broke up with the director and writer Charlie McDauell, the son of actors Malcolm McDauell and Mary Stinbergen. And even earlier, it consisted in relations with the McFarlene Seth, the creator of the American animation comedy Family Guy.

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