Pattinson and defo are no longer the following: Bill Murray and Obery Plaza sparkled "Lighthouse"


Winter - the season of all kinds of cinematic awards. Soon this relay will pick up the Independent Spirit Awards award (that is, the "independent spirit"), in honor of which the organizers presented a lamb, which starred Bill Murray and the presenter of the upcoming Obry Plaza ceremony. In the video of 25 seconds long, Plaza and Murray appeared in the image of the main heroes of Horrora "Mayak" to report that the next presentation of the awards will be held on February 8.

Pattinson and defo are no longer the following: Bill Murray and Obery Plaza sparkled

Pattinson and defo are no longer the following: Bill Murray and Obery Plaza sparkled

Changed into the appropriate uniform, Murray and Plaza look into the sea distance against the background of his lighthouse. Under the dimensional sounds of the beep and cry of chaps, they exchange inepler replicas, leading to the conversation about where I can watch the broadcast of Independent Spirit Awards 2020. The culmination becomes the reward of the plaza "I don't know!".

As part of the future event, Robert Eggers received nominations in five categories, including the "best director", the "best operator" and acting work of Robert Pattinson and Willem Defo. At the same time, however, for the title of the best film "Mayak" does not pretend - for this award, such films will compete as the "marriage story", "farewell", "unintended jewels" and "pardon".

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