From the producers of "Fursazha": a new trailer "Blohenshot" came out with wine diesel


Sony Pictures film company released the second official trailer to the superhero militant "Blohenshot", the title role in which the Wine Diesel will perform. Unlike the first tipser, the new line is full of special effects and action scenes in the spirit of comics, which will probably have to taste fans of this genre. In addition, according to the materials provided, it is already possible to understand what the intrigue of the upcoming film will consist.

Blohenshot will tell about how the Mighty RST Corporation as part of the Army Campaign returns to the life of the deceased Soldier of Ray Harrison (Diesel), which is now known as Boldship. Thanks to unprecedented nanotechnology, the hero received supernatural physical strength and the ability to instantly heal the wounds obtained. Despite this, the will and the memory of Boldship completely subordinate to RTS, but he will do everything to return his true essence and take revenge on the death of his wife.

From the producers of

The world premiere of "Blohenshot" will take place on February 19, whereas in the Russian rental film will be released on February 27. The director of the painting is Debutant Dave Wilson, who had previously made trailers for video games, including Bioshock Infinite and Mass Effect 2. In addition to the diesel engine, the keywords in the film will be performed by artists such as Sam Houuen, Guy Pierce and Eys Gonzalez.

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