Marvel deleted from the "Spider Man" of the Logo Anti-Psychological Movement Black Lives Matter


According to the SCREENRANT portal, Marvel Comics were caught in removing the Black Lives Matter movement logo from the 2019 comic covers dedicated to the adventures of Miles Morales. In the original preview of the BLM fist, you can see on one of the street screens, by which Miles sweeps, but in the final version there is no this anti-ray symbol.

Marvel deleted from the

Males Morales - an Afro-Latin American teenager who became a spider man in 2011 and acquired his own animation film "Spiderman: through the Universes" (2018). Since then, Miles Morales has become one of the most socially significant characters Marvel. Thanks to this hero, a huge number of children saw that a spiderman could look just like them. It even reached the fact that during the Black Lives Matter shares on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, one of the protesters was dressed in a cult superhero-free Miles Morales.

Marvel deleted from the

Despite the fact that Comic came out more than a year ago, some Twitter users noticed the lack of logo, which appeared on the preview. The original cover was created by the artist Patrick O'KIF. The editorial office of Screen Rant appealed to O'kifu for comments in connection with the current situation, but the answer was not followed. Many fans refused to Logo BLM outraged, because this symbol carries political and social messages that systematic racism takes place even in the world in populated superhero.

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