Penelope Cruz opposed the Ageness in the new release of InterView


Penelope began to film, being very young, and admits that the question of age began to arise at that time and does not subside to this day. "When I was 22 years old, journalists were constantly asked, I'm not afraid of aging? At 22 years! This is a stupid question for this age. My parents worked not to give up hands to put children on their feet. I am very grateful to them for the realism they gave me. As soon as someone begins to talk to me about aging, I immediately stop this conversation. It does not deserve discussion. Of course, a lot has changed in my life after the birth of the daughter. In the yard of 2017, and ask questions about aging, I consider madness, but, unfortunately, they become more frequent with the advent of children, "says Cruz.

The actress also said that in childhood he dreamed of becoming a ballerina or a dancer, but at the age of 16 finally fell in love with the acting profession. Interestingly, the sister Penelope, Monica, who also became an actress, combined shooting in films and TV shows with professional dancing.

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