Mariah Carey on Shaw Ellen Degensheres


In short, Mariah told that so far she is almost not sick, she does not know the sex of the child and does not plan to recognize him, and the children's room is going to arrange in pastel colors.

Also told about intimate life with Nick Cannon: "I prefer to do this. Because imagine that you are a child in whose body. Do you really want anyone intensifying you into your sexual fantasies? Not particularly, yes?! ".

Ellen drew attention to the high heels of Mariah and made her a remark that Carey joked that she was born almost in shoes and constantly walked on her socks, because of what her nanny was constantly laughed.

The singer also told about his album "Merry Christmas to You". This is the second Christmas album, and the first one was 16 years ago, and according to Mariah, then no one could believe that she herself wrote these songs. Everyone believed that she was quail them.

By the way, she recorded "Merry Christmas to You" in the summer, and to the question Ellen, it was not strange if she was recorded him in the heat, Mariah admitted that to create an atmosphere, decorated the studio and the house with New Year's decorations and even put the Christmas tree.

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