"I'll sing": Irina Penguinov from "House-2" declassified "Pregnant" weight


Irina Penguinov decided not to follow weight during pregnancy. She abandoned the right nutrition, which is moving many future mothers. The participant of the scandalous telestroyka has already gained more than ten kilograms.

Penguin and previously declared that he feels well and knows about his pregnancy more than the rest. In the case of appetite, she also decided to listen to himself. Due to toxicosis, she almost did not eat anything and began to worry about the child. Then Irina gramnogu made himself to eat, and she suddenly had a strong appetite. Before the pregnancy, with 173 cm height, it weighed 49-50 kilograms, but now it was noticeably gained weight.

"In the first trimester, I had the strongest toxicosis, did not help anything and I was very worried that I eat badly. And I started to force myself to eat, not from the first attempt came, but thanks to the fact that I began to eat, I began to disappear toxicosis, and also a wild appetite appeared! And the sense of saturation was completely absent, and thus at 22 week I weigh 61.5 kg, "the Penguin admitted in a personal blog.

The star "House-2" is not upset, which was noticeably recovered compared with weight before pregnancy. Sometimes she feels bad, but she likes to see his current appearance in the mirror more often. She advised all fans to enjoy food and do not focus on healthy diet.

"My advice to you - eat, enjoy, you are beautiful! And in general, happiness is when you can eat delicious! And not to inspire that PP dessert from the squirrel is tasty. Not! The chicken is tasty, mealy, cakes and other foods - this is delicious! All a pleasant appetite, I will sing, "wished the participant" House-2 ".

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