"Skinheads were filed?": Cutting image of 65-year-old Larisa Valley criticized on the network.


Larisa Valley was tight criticized on the network for his new outfit. The actress recently noted the 65th anniversary, and users considered her image not the most successful for such a "honorable" age. The singer appeared on the set of the Evening Urgant show in an unusual role: on it there were heavy army boots on high lacing and a mini-skirt, which was almost not visible under a black leather jacket. In such a sucking form, the valley presented his new song, which was performed with the Burito singer.

Not all the show fans were able to appreciate the new "Prikid" singer. There were also those who spoke too sharply. "With all due respect to Larisa, in my opinion, this is already a bust," they tried to soften the blow others. The subscribers noted that such a pseudo-laid style only emphasizes the age of the singer and does not go completely, and advised to choose more elegant images. The artist was compared with the heroines of Calypso from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean", with the "strangers" and "predator", and someone even suggested that the Valley was filed in Skinheads.

"It is better to be a glamorous grandmother than an old girl," the fan star advised. In hot discussions of the appearance of the singer, fans forgot about the information render of the transfer - the presentation of the song.

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