Julia Roberts will take off in "Snow White"


"Beauty" became the first officially approved character of the future tape in reading the director Tarissem Sinha. Roberts got the role of the evil queen: "Julia was our first and the only contender for this role. She is icon, and I am sure that this work will be able to her as anyone else," said Ryan Cavanaf's general director of Studio.

The Snow White Executive is not yet approved: on rumors that Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and Ann Hathaway participate in Casting.

As you know, there are several competing projects in Hollywood based on the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers: The Snow White and Hunter Tape with Charlize Theron will be released in December 2012; The development also contains the version of Francis Louurenza "Snow White and Seven" from the Disney studio.

The picture of Tarsema Sinha will be an attempted to leave the familiar plot, focusing on the adventure and comedy aspects: after the evil queen kills the father of Snow White and destroys the kingdom, that by uniting with evil dwarfs, decides to pick up the fact that rightfully pretrates her.

Currently, the project is in the pre-production stage, shooting will start in April, and the premiere is scheduled for June 2012.

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