"He almost could not speak": Maria Kozhevnikova told about the hospitalization of the Father


The New Year's holidays of celebrities were overshadowed by health problems at her loved ones. Her father took the operation, and the mother-in-law fell ill with coronavirus. This actress told on his page in Instagram.

During the trip to the city of Penza, the Father's celebrity inflamed cheek. There was no harm to attach importance. However, a few days later, the condition was worse, and then the closest decided to turn to doctors. "Pope drank pills and insisted that everything is fine, on the third day he almost could not speak, we called doctors who urgently took him to the hospital and immediately operated. Discovered 70 ml of pus, it is dangerous, because about the brain, "Kozhevnikov wrote. The actress also clarified that the situation was complicated by chronic health issues that were obtained thanks to a professional sports career.

"One side of the medal is honorable, two Olympic medals and fame, on the other hand, about which only close, these are sores, dozens of operations ...", - Kozhevnikov said. As a result, everything ended well. Maria expressed his gratitude to local doctors, wished the signatures of good health, advised to take care of themselves and carefully treat their loved ones.

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