"Like royal offspring": the Son Sobchak is discussed in the network


In November, the sole son of Ksenia Sobchak was four years old. The older the boy becomes, the more fans enthusiastically become his resemblance to her mother.

The next portion of surprised responses TV presenter received on the Land New Year's post, in which he told about the features of the holiday with which Plato was collided for the first time.

"When for the first time I saw a blue light and found out the word" reeding "," wrote Ksenia on her page in Insragram. For these words, the factors of the new year meeting are typical for Russians.

First, it turns out that the child for the first time in his life remained at the TV after midnight, when there begins the broadcast of concerts with domestic stars. And secondly, Plato eats the same food as adults, and the next day, as they are accepted in all families, the remains from the festive table were submitted for lunch.

Sobchak specifically picked up the photo on which Plato eats Salad Olivier. The blonde boy sits in front of two plates with green-gold edging, there is a blue glass on a high intricate leg. On the boy, a shirt and jacket, and from above protects the clothes white whirlwind.

"Future deputy", "no, president", "Little Barin", "as a royal offspring," Plato's behavior player and surrounding His entourage users of the network.

Folloviers began to discuss how he looks like a mother and that Plato is a copy of the famous grandfather.

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