Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice


"Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurika", 1967

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_1

Merry Trinity of Friends Edik makes injections. Trying to remove a huge syringe from the fifth point of the experienced, "Medbrat" pulls into the arms, but through a gauze bandage. How is this possible?! In no way.

Comrade Saakhov is preparing for a date with Nina - athlete, Komsomol and just beautiful. However, on the tray, among other things, we see a vase with an even color. A strange number for a romantic meeting.

"Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession", 1973

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_2

The army finally understood that the unreal king was seated before them. Bunth? Sure! And in the refectory there is a fight. In all directions, dishes and food are flying. However, it is not clear where all this happened in the next frame - purity and order are perfect! By the way, where are the chairs?!

"Gentlemen of Good luck", 1971

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_3

Kosovo in the performance of Sovelius Kramarova and his friends in the plot of the film went to the theater. Dressed. At first, we see a golt with a red and green pattern and the edge of the same coloring. But when the Trinity turns out to be indoors, the scarf on the braid is already completely different. What caught with him on the way to the theater?

"Beware of the car", 1966

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_4

Delicate and investigator talk in the beer bar. At the hero, which brilliantly played Innokenty Smoktunovsky, washing a checkered shirt. But why does she get a monophonic on the street? And this is also the reason for the investigation!

"The incredible adventures of Italians in Russia", 1974

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_5

For the plot of the adventure comedy from the moment of one scene on the plane, about two weeks passed. Do you think, for such a short time, can you grow so lush beard?

"Guest from the Future", 1985

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_6

Before you, the teleport bus from the film "Guest from the Future" is from the favorite Soviet schoolchildren. With this vehicle, not only the heroes of this fantastic history are teleported, but also the sign "Prospect of the World".

"Service Roman", 1977

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_7

In the scene, where the employee of the Statistical Institution Anatoly Efremovich Novoselites drags the heavy statue of the horse, his chef's jacket - Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina - unzipped. But a few seconds later, all the buttons are put in the loops one after another. Wonders!

"12 chairs", 1971

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_8

From the type of shaved kitty, Vorobyaninov, the janitor performed by Yuri Nikulin bolds into fainting. But if you look at, then the next frame on the stairs is a completely different actor and not in a beige-gray apron, but in a black vest and in a shirt completely different color. M-yes ...

"Hello, I'm your aunt!", 1975

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_9

And this item is exactly for attentive! Just recalculate the freckles on the face of Tatiana Vasilyeva's heroine on these two frames. On the first they are clearly more.

"Formula of Love", 1984

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_10

And here the whole snag in glasses. Rather, in that they are nalito. But after all, the scene is the film on the plot one and the same!

"Afonya", 1975

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_11

Athous was reported at the Farmer meetings twice. And between this public disorder passed several days, but those present are still sitting in the same places. According to purchased tickets, or what?

"Three in the boat, not counting the dogs", 1979

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_12

What happens to the boat on which the character's heroes float? Then she is sailing, or even without mast?!

"PIR Barbos and Unusual Cross", 1961

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_13

If you look at a close-up, then you can see that the water is not reflected in the water, which is sitting on the shore.

"Golden calf", 1968

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_14

On the door of the car, we see the inscription "Eh, pumping!" And drawn Cupid. But in one of the following frames and the slogan, and the image has evaporated.

"We will silence the word about the poor hussar", 1980

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_15

We read on the cake: "L 'Amor Regnet Dans Le Monde". Translated from French this inscription means: "Love rules the world." Eh, literacy! Instead of the word "REGNET" should be written "REGNE".

"D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers", 1978

Test for attentiveness: 16 Lyapov in the iconic Soviet films that few people notice 122046_16

Already then were Ilyich's light bulbs?! And we did not know!

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