Rare photo: Gwyneth Paltrow showed crowded children in honor of the holiday


Gwyneth Paltrow infrequently shows subscribers in Instagram of their children - the 16-year-old daughter of Apple and the 14-year-old Son of Mosnes, however, in honor of Thanksgiving, there was an exception.

She signed his post as follows: "On November 26, I had the opportunity to visit the grave of my father (on his birthday) along with the loved children. Happy Thanksgiving Day. Sometimes incredible ups and downs occur in life. It is likely to feel and live at the same time - and there is art. " On the frame of Gwyneth poses in a picturesque natural corner with his children. It is noteworthy that in the photo 48-year-old actress appeared completely without makeup.

Earlier, Gwyneth said that her daughter does not like when Mom shares her photographs with his multimillion-dollar audience. Probably, this time, the young epple was not opposed to Gwyneth shared with a family picture subscriber.

Moses and Epple were born in marriage Gwyneth with the musician Chris Martin. Four years ago, the stars divorced, but remained in friendly relations for children. Paltrow repeatedly said that they were "consciously" with Chris and worked for a long time that the divorce did not affect her son and daughter. The actress notes that they succeeded.

"The fact that we broke up does not mean that we cannot love each other what once fell in love. We wanted to do everything so that our children were injured [due to the divorce of parents]. We put them in the first place. It turned out to be not easy, because sometimes you do not want to be with a person with whom we divorce. But if you decide to gather and arrange a family dinner, you do it, despite everything, "Gwyneth shared in an interview with Drew Barrymore.

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