"Rota as a stream": the son of Pugacheva and Galkina was touched by a song fans in French


6-year-old Harry Galkin, the son of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina, touched the fans of the parents by the execution of the French Hangler Salvator Adamo Tombe La Neige. The composition under the accompaniment of the piano The boy performed in the original language. Video with the song Maxim Galkin laid out on the page in Instagram.


- Signed the roller proud father.

Subscribers left hundreds of compliments to the talent of the boy. "I was pleased with a small galkin and a number of stars of domestic show business: Anita Tsoi, Igor Glyaev, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Philip Kirkorov, Lera Kudryavtseva, Igor Nikolaev.

Still a little bit and Robertino Loretti,

- Praised by artist Singer Denis Klyaver. Harry's approval received even from the famous opera singer Hiblis Glaswa:

Sun Harry, what a repertoire, mmmm, how clean sings, charm! And how beautiful the timbre!

However, there were comments. So, Sati Speivakova advised to make the execution of the tone below.

Do not make this angel suffer

She turned in French to Maxim Galkin.

The fans of the humorist also did not remain aside. "Amazing voice and lovely French! Bravo! Garik sings this particular song, and this is more valuable, he made his note and sadness in the unfulfilled winter, "" Radot as a stream "," Sin with such parents does not start singing! " - summarized the fans.

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