Machershal Ali will be a new blide in the film marvel


The two-time owner of Oscar, Maherchel Ali will replace the role of Blade Wesley Snipes, who played the hero in the original trilogy (which, as many people consider, and laid the beginning of the cooking enthusiasm for the comic books, which agreed into a grandiose-free marvel. Snipes played Blade from 1998 to 2004, and recently began to hint, which would be happy to return to this role. However, Marvel candidacy of Wesley did not even consider - insiders argue that Kevin Faigi personally wanted to see at the head of the new "Blade" precisely Oskarone Maherchal.

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With the world Marvel Ali, by the way, already familiar - in the first season "Luca Cage" he played a very colorful villain. Interestingly, in the third season of the "real detective" Ali was filmed with Stephen Dorff, Blade's original star.

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The new "Blade" already has an official logo, but there is no accurate date of the premiere. Apparently, to see Mahershal Ali in the role of Blade we will be able to closer to 2022 - that is, at least in 3 years, because the Marvel schedule is tightly occupied by the fourth phase from 10 films for the next couple of years.

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