Robert Downey Jr. can play in the following draft Christopher Nolan


Robert Downey Jr. will probably have their own trees, but most of the audience will agree that the actor he is ingenious. Still, not everyone manage to grow from the interconnected stars involved in scandals to the leader of one of the most famous franchises of the world.

And yet the most weighty part of the Career of Downey Jr. was connected with the filmsened Marvel and the role of the Iron man, and now it remains in the past. After entering the screens of the "Amazing Travel of Dr. Dulittla", many came to the opinion that the actor went, abandoning the image of Tony Stark.

Robert Downey Jr. can play in the following draft Christopher Nolan 126001_1

Robert himself seems to be not going to wait by the sea of ​​weather. On the eve of the network, there was a rumor that he plans to fill the creative potential with might and main, uniting with one of the most successful directories of modernity. According to the WE Got This Covered portal, the actor is trying to agree on a meeting with Christopher Nolan to stake his place in his future project.

Considering that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the fans did not have time to see even the last work of the director, the film "Argument", not the fact that Nolan already knows where to move on, but cooperation with Downey Jr. will probably open new horizons for him. Yes, and for Robert, such a project would be confirmed that outside the film Marvel has life.

Robert Downey Jr. can play in the following draft Christopher Nolan 126001_2

Recall the premiere of "argument" is scheduled for September 3.

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