"Every time I see a smirk of a man": Julia M. Meshshova subscribed to the problem with "orientation"


Yulia Menashova on his page in Instagram decided to share with subscribers one of his interesting feature. "Right-left is my tragedy," the actress admitted. At the same time, she explained that as an autlede complies with the rules of the road and, if it turns on the right turn signal, it turns right.

But it is not always possible to find faithful words in this situation. "It's just some nightmare," the daughter of the famous director exclaims.

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She led an example of a trip to a taxi. When the little need to explain to the driver, in which direction should be continued, it will certainly declare and before will say "right", will advise the shovel to turn left, understanding actually, where it is necessary to go.

Of course, on the one hand, there is no big problem in this, except for the reaction of strong sex. "Every time I see a condescending grin of a man for this, even through the mask," writes Julia.

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She asked the Council's subscribers how to deal with this feature. Most network users believe that this happens with many women. But explain the phenomenon subscribers in different ways.

"It's all about a different device perception of the world by our brain," "The woman always has a million tasks, a house, work, always all in thoughts and problems, there is not only the right and left to confuse," explains Folloviers.

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