Henry Kavill explained why the Witcher is the perfect hero for 2020


Coming to Netflix last year, the series "Witcher" immediately conquered the audience. There is no doubt that in many respects the uniqueness of this show consists in the title character, which Henry Cavill is played. The vocation of Gerasta from Rivia is a hunt for all sorts of monsters, but the hero at the same time does not accept his status of an outsider when they surround themselves as if the plague. In this regard, Cavill in an interview with the Vanity Fair shared that he considers Geralta with a genuine hero of 2020, because in terms of pandemic and self-insulation, the remission finds the greatest sympathy:

Geralt - both realistic and unrealistic character. He lives in the world in which he feels irrevocably discarded on the backyard. It is absolutely isolated. In the same position, we and we, facing insulation, the cessation of social activity, quarantine and the need to observe the world from afar. This is exactly what is the essence of its existence. Maybe this is not directly correlated with current circumstances, because heralt is apolitical, - but if we are talking about the feeling of isolation and loneliness, then we can truly penetrate it.

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In the first season, the "Witcher" throwing Geralta from full loneliness to the need for someone nearby brighter is visible on the example of his relationship with a nurse. Despite the fact that it represents the complete opposite of Geral, the friendship was established between them. History with the curse of Ginn, which struck the buttercup, suggests that heralert is disseminated by his companion. True, in the end, the hero of Cavils still pushes his friend, completely given to his loneliness.

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