Showranner "Doctor Who" told about the dark-skinned lady of time


The fifth episode of the twelfth season "Doctor Who" will definitely remember fans forever. Thanks to the events shown in it, it became known that for the first time in the history of the science fiction series, a black woman became a timber. Joe Martin's character was great surprised by the Thirteenth Doctor performed by Jodie Whitaker, directly stating that she was also a doctor.

Fans of the show Immediately after the end of the episode, literally flooded the network with their impressions, often expressing the assumption that the appearance of a black "doctor" is just a trick of producers. Yes, and journalists hurried to make their own conclusions from what he saw. They decided that Ruth Clayton, played by Martin, will become the fourteenth doctor, although it seems to fully take possession of the series, it seems to be able to. Just the Whitteker recently stated with confidence that he had remained in the "Doctor who" at least one another season.


But Chris Chibnell made some clarity in what was happening, however, at the same time, a number of new issues at the fans at the same time. In an interview with The Mirror Showranner stated:

It is important to say literally the following. She is definitely a doctor. There is no one parallel universe, no tricks. Joe Martin - Doctor.

Chibnell also noted that the way Martin introduced the audience, not new. In the same way, the so-called military doctor performed by John Hörta was introduced into the plot, which was first shown in the episode "Doctor's Day" (2013), dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the series.

All new doctors have the opportunity to appear on the screen in advance, and you have seen it,

- noted Chris.


It is still not clear how the Character Martin will fit into the Universe "Doctor Who", but Showranner promised that "this season will be answers to some of the riddles." He also added that when Joe passed Casting for the role, she had no idea who would play.

Chibnell managed so much intrigue the fans of the series, which can not be doubtful: the episodes remaining until the end of the season will look very carefully. Recall, the new series "Doctor Who" goes to BBC One on Sundays.

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