The director of Chernobyl can be shielding an outstanding Roman John Faulza


The Swedish director Johan Renk, famous for his work on the series "Chernobyl", published in his Instagram account the cover of John Faulza "Volkhv" with the signature:

Something is brewing.

The representative of the studio NEAL STREET PRODUCTION Pippa Harris confirmed Variety, which is currently negotiating with Rnack, so that he becomes the director of the mini-series on this novel:

We could not come up with who would suit it better for this work.

Roman "Volkhv" talks about the British teacher who arrives on one of Greece islands for work. GTUs he falls under the effect of a hermit philosopher, manipulation masters. Having become a victim of brutal psychological techniques, the main character with difficulty distinguishes reality from fiction. I miraculously retaining the mind, he returns home, in England.

Due to the fact that the speech in the novel is about psychology, it is very complicated for the film. In 1968, the novel has already tried to turn into a film. The main roles in the film Gaya Green played Michael Kane and Anthony Quinn. Faulz called the picture of the "complete disaster", and Kane is the "worst film in his career."

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