Anthony Maki from Sokol and Winter Soldier assured that Captain America's shield in good hands "


The series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" is rightfully considered one of the most significant events of the year, because it is he who will open the era of Marvel serials in the Disney + Stregnation Service. And, of course, the fans were very worried about how the characters would go on.

At the end of the "Avengers: Final" Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), who was the first captain of America, resigned by choosing to return to the past and live his life along with Pesi's beloved Carter (Haley Etwel). And his shield of CEP handed over Sam Wilson (Anthony Maki), known as falcon, thereby laying the basis for the future series.

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On the eve of Machi, he became a guest of the Late Show with Stephen Colber, where he stated that Marvel's decision to make the next captain America a black man could be called "monumental and unprecedented."

With this nothing can compare. I am worried not only that my children will see a black man in the role of Captain America, but all their friends, whether they are white, black, Latino or Asians,

- Actor admitted, and also added that "shield in good hands."

Anthony Maki from Sokol and Winter Soldier assured that Captain America's shield in good hands

Marvel fans were glad to see Sokol as a new cape, but everything indicates that he would not be able to own the honorary shield. The series will also appear Wytett Russell as John Walker, the US Agent, to whom the government will read the role of the new captain of America, and Sam will have to prove that this title is worthy of himself.

See how this story will develop, it will turn out soon. "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" starts at Disney + in the second half of this year, but the exact date of the premiere is not yet announced.

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