The series "Hawaii 5 0" will be completed by a two-hour episode after the 10th season


Last Friday, the CBS channel officially stated that the series "Hawaii 5.0" will be completed after the current tenth season. The final series lasting two hours will be shown on April 3.

In the statement of President CBS Entartainment Kelly Cal says:

It is not easy to say goodbye to a popular franchise that has kept the legacy of the original, but at the same time created its unique style. From the first episode of "Hawaii 5.0" became surprisingly successful. The talent of producers, screenwriters, actors and the film crew played a key role in the fact that during the decade we had a center for spectator attention on Friday evening. We are grateful to fans for passionate devotion.

Alex O'Locklin, the leading role in the series (Detective Steve McGarrert), said:

In the past ten years, every moment of my life was associated with this show. Wherever I rode, for all people on the globe, regardless of the language on which they say, I was a macarrette. What we did is unusually. I am glad to be part of this story, and I will miss her. Fans I want to say: Thank you for watched us, I do not know how to express your gratitude for what you are.

The series

The police series "Hawaii 5.0" is the remake of the eponymous series of the late 60s. The progenitor lasted 12 seasons on the air and consisted of 279 episodes. Remake a little shortwrung to these numbers - it will be 234 series.

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