Margo Robbie "It would be curious" to see the director's version of the "suicide detachment"


Australian actress Margo Robbie, who played Harley Queen in the film David Air "Self-suicide," said that she would be "very curious" to see the director's version of the blockbuster. During his recent appearance in the podcast, Happy Sad Confused Robbie confirmed that a lot of material was shot, which did not get into the rolling version.

"I have never seen Eyrkat. I mean, I know that we removed a lot of material that did not get into the film. I myself would be very curious to see the director's version, "the actress noted.

Margo Robbie is not the only story of the Suician squad, which became interested in a possible directorial version of the picture. Earlier, Karen Fukuhara, who played in David Air Katana's film, said that she would like to see more katana on the screen and therefore supports the idea of ​​"Akarkat".

Recall, rumors about the possible exit of the director's version of the "suicide squad" appeared after the fans of Zack Snider managed to achieve from the output studio of the so-called "Sniderkat", the director's version of the League of Justice. David Eir himself recently stated that Studio Warner Bros. She cut about 40 minutes from his film, which, according to the director, was to be completely different. However, it is too early to say that "Eyrkat" will ever be able to see fans: no official statements have been received on this score.

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