Date or business meeting? Harry Stiles caught at dinner with Florence


On Tuesday, Florence Pugh and Harry Stiles saw on dinner in one of Los Angeles restaurants. The eyewitness took several pictures on which the actors sit at the table, communicate and look relaxed. It is not known what time this meeting was wing. But it is known that I drink and Stiles will be filmed together in the new film Olivia Wilde "Don't worry, the sun", so now they probably have something to discuss at dinner.

Date or business meeting? Harry Stiles caught at dinner with Florence 130750_1

When it became known that Florence and Harry will be filmed together, the fans of the actress came from it to delight: it is known that I drink a big fan of the One Direction group, and Styles is its former participant.

Date or business meeting? Harry Stiles caught at dinner with Florence 130750_2

Date or business meeting? Harry Stiles caught at dinner with Florence 130750_3

Perhaps, between Florence and Harry, something will be configured, but most likely the actress is still in relations with the star "Clinic" by Zak Braff. This year Florence had to stand more than once for his relationship with the actor. Due to a significant difference in the age of Roman Pugh and Braff, criticized, the 45-year-old actor is called "too old" for her. Therefore, Florence and Zack keep their personal life secretly and once again do not provoke the public with joint outlets or photographs in social networks.

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