Robert Pattinson is not found with Kelly Blakevell


Gossip Cop writes, in this sensation so much inconsistencies that even ridiculous that "duck" is still afloat. First, they wrote first that this Kelly Blakevell is 26 years old. Then she looked up for 2 years and became the 24-weekee of the secret beloved. Secondly, the term of Robert's relations and this mythical beloved is also some "changeable". At first they wrote that they were already together. Now they write that they are a couple of months together. Thirdly, first Kelly Blakevell was the former model, then became the former singe, then the model again.

In the fourth, first wrote that they saw them several times in public, now they write that Kelly Blakevell and Robert Pattinson never came to the public together. And finally, the most interesting, does this mythical kelly blakewell exist?!

Gossip Cop could not find her name among the most famous English model agencies. On the Internet it is also not, in her name only links to gossips with this story or at all "dead" pages. Gossip Cop found only a page in Twitter, with a face of an unknown ("hostess" of a person can be anyone and may not even suspect that her photograph is used for such purposes). What I mixed Gossip Cop most of all, it's information on the wall on Twitter: "Yes, I meet with Rob. And soon our photos will appear here!". Either this is a sabotage and studio attempt to distract the attention of fans from Robstin. Either one fan of Pattinson moved the roof, and someone from journalists picked up a story about the secret beloved, which decided to leave the shadows.

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