"In the list of unwanted people": Philip Kirkorov banned entry into Lithuania


According to TASS, the Department of Migration at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Baltic Republic for a period of 5 years has made the famous pop by the list of unwanted persons in the country. As the reason for such a rigid solution, the position of the singer on the accession of the Crimea is indicated.

"We have an unequivocal attitude towards such performers, so doubts about the inclusion of Kirkorov in the list of unwanted persons did not arise," the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Agnei said to journalists.

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Philip Kirkorov over the past few years has repeatedly visited the Russian Peninsula. The close attention of the relevant authorities was caused by the fact that the organizers of Kirkorov's tour and Shufutinsky in Lithuania, which were revoked due to the coronavirus epidemic, received compensation in the amount of about € 30 thousand to cover losses on the abolition of planned concerts. As a rule, such payments receive organizers and other cultural events that were canceled. However, it was the performers from the Russian Federation in the scandal of the Lithuanian media, which responded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country.

In addition, the difficult situation led to the convening of a special meeting on amendments to the law on the legal status of foreigners. According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Egidius Milyunas, the law it is necessary to make changes regarding the rules of entry into the country of such performers as Kirkorov and Shufutinsky.

The artist himself has not yet commented on this decision.

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