Vampires: from Bremachka to Stephanie Meyer


And although Pildori made his contribution to the idea of ​​what the vampire is represented by the vampire, all the glory went to Bram Stop, which gave the world of "Dracula". The graph possessed supersoul and magnetic look, did not reflect in the mirror, could age or young, depending on his own desire, did not like garlic, holy water and crucifixes. Stoker created such a complete image that we can think that we know all the imaging vampire. But this is just a collective image that I am invented. Over time, the idea of ​​vampires was improved by other authors and directors.

In the 90s of the 20th century, the world captured a new wave of fiction and cinema about vampires. This is primarily a series of Romanov L.J.Smit "Vampire Diaries", the series "Buffy Vampire Slayer". But in the new millennium, the new "Lady" of Vampires - Stephanie Meyer comes. Its vampires are not so scary to appear in the sun, and they are not afraid of crosses, and they are much more difficult to kill. The original features include their sparkling skin and supernatural abilities.

It would be naive to believe that after the grand success of "Twilight Saga", the interest of other authors to the Vampire theme runs out. Surely in favor of visual and reading interest, even more exciting and incredible plots will be created.

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