"This is all nonsense": Shay Labafe said that he did not send Tom Hardy to knockout


There was nothing like that, all this is a dog's nonsense,

- said Shaya Labafe, interrupting many years of silence. According to him, they didn't fight Tomom Hardy at all on the shooting platform and he didn't touch hatred at all. It turns out that everything was the opposite: the actors were friends, they communicated well and constantly pushed each other.

But one day, by chance, Tom broke into the room to Schaya when he had a girl and they were both naked. The girl was very frightened and ran into the kitchen, but Hardy did not stop the fact that the situation suddenly from the joking was piquant. He grabbed a naked buddy, threw him on his shoulder and carried him into the corridor.

There, we jokingly fight the edge of the stairs. Tom stumbled, fell into several steps down. By the rest of the team, he told that I knocked him out,

- told the actor.

As a result, this story covered such details that for many years it was believed that a labaf on the site was used by Moonshine, in order to better get into the role, and alcohol turned out to be stronger than him, and Hardy loared unpleasant sharpness in the address of Shaii, which there was a conflict and a fight between actors . The most interesting thing, and Labafe supported this version at one time. It remains only to guess who is mistaken, he or tabloids.

"The most drunken district in the world" went on screens in 2012. Now Labafe is working on the lapel drama, the premiere of which will be held on November 8.

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