James Franco accused of sexual harassment


The other day, James received the "Golden Globe" as "Best Actor in Comedy or Musical" for the film "Mount-Creator", and after that, two accusations of harassment immediately appeared on the network. Actresses Sarah Teser-Kaplan and Violet Palei claim that Franco declined them to indecent action.

The first wrote that James forced her to be filmed in the "exploitative sex scenes" completely naked, claiming that she was obliged to do this under the terms of the contract. The woman clarified that her fee was $ 100 at the same time. "If a famous person who clicks the fingers can destroy my career, offers a role, then I can not refuse," Sarah writes. "If I refuse him, I can get a" difficult "or" aggressive "mark, which in the end will negatively affect my work." Surely Franco was pleased to know that he was the person who could easily destroy someone else's career.

The second actress wrote that James had forced her to oral sex, and called her 17-year-old girlfriend in his hotel room. She clarified that at the time of harassment was adult, therefore, it was impossible to prevent James to James on the seduction of minors. And so I wanted ...

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