Instagram Day: Luke Evans, Justin Bieber, Jared Summer, Chris Prett, Jason Momoa and others


Inspired by Olympic Games, Zac Efron plays tennis

Inspired after watching #teamUSA

Фото опубликовано Zac Efron (@zacefron)

Justin Bieber makes selfie even during massage

Liam Hemsworth rests in the pet

Me and Mary Jane chillllllllin... ?✌

Фото опубликовано Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth)

Classic Selfie in the mirror from Jared Summer

Jason Momoa lights up in the company of colleagues in the "League of Justice" Ezra Miller and Gal Gadot

My boy my lil bro Ezra in da pocket. #trailerlife love my music ALOHA j

Фото опубликовано Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies)

@gal_gadot What a women what a wonder. Love ya mama

Фото опубликовано Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies)

Family pushups from Chris Prett and Anna Faris

Another portion of singing from Duin Johnson

Salma Hayek acquired bangs for a new film

New hair do for my new film "Beatriz at dinner" directed by the amazing Miguel Arteta. #hair #film #amazing. Nuevo peinado para mi nueva película "Beatriz at dinner " dirigida por el maravilloso Miguel Arteta

Фото опубликовано Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek)

Luke Evans repainted in a blond

Good morning Toronto! I seem to have woken up Blonde.....#statelikesleep #Toronto So, do blondes have more fun? Let's see ?

Фото опубликовано thereallukeevans (@thereallukeevans)

Taylor Swift congratulates happy birthday to Kara Melievin

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