Pamela Anderson called on to close the fur factories because of COVID-19: "Minks have become infected with workers"


If for several decades ago, Pamela Anderson was associated with his heroine in a red tight swimsuit from the television series "Malibu Rescuers", today the actress leads an active social policy and protects animal rights throughout the world. The star wrote the official letter to the British Columbia Prime Minister with a request to close the fur factories due to the mutated COVID-19 virus, which was found at the beasts. It turned out that on farms around the world, including Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States, recorded cases of norque infections from humans. The organization PETA submitted by Pamela Anderson published a video on which the conditions of the mink content can be found. "Dirty beverserms filled with animal sick, clamped in trash-filled cells, are the perfect female fatman," - quotes the American star etcanada.

Pamela added that over the past few months the world has changed radically, but "no one, including mink, does not deserve death from COVID-19." We will remind, in early November, it became known that on the farms of Denmark, the largest supplier of mink fur in the world, cases of mutating virus in animals were recorded. Denmark's authorities decided to destroy animals, the number of which reaches 17 million individuals. This caused a large public resonance.

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