Mass hysteria: Lena Miro spoke about the situation around the disease Anastasia Zavorotnyuk


Miro accurately noticed that if the trouble comes into the family of the average Russian, he will not receive 1% of the help that the star "My beautiful nanny" says now. Near the ordinary patient's house will not doubt the ambulance around the clock, it will not be sent for treatment to Israel or Germany and will not be dispersed the transfer on the main channels of the country. All because the life of a simple person in Russia does not cost anything, it will be spicially spicially spicked by the conscience.

And this is truly scary,

- Stresses the blogger.

Mass hysteria: Lena Miro spoke about the situation around the disease Anastasia Zavorotnyuk 147718_1

Recall that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, according to unconfirmed data, lies in the oncological private clinic in the Meshchansky district of Moscow. The other day, the artist, which was diagnosed with Giliblastoma, was introduced into a medicamentary to whom because of the brain edema. Doctors are waiting for status stabilization to carry out the necessary operation. Near the 48-year-old actress, her relatives are constantly on duty - Mom, Husband Peter Chernyshev and older children - 23-year-old Anna and 19-year-old Michael.

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