"Breasts I have my own": Soloist Little Big outraged the charges in plastic


A 29-year-old soloist of Little Big Sophia Tayursk group suspected hiking to a plastic surgeon. Some girls fans are convinced that it is good exclusively due to cosmetology procedures. The new squallation of the charges fell on the star, when the other day she published a beach picture in a personal Instagram account.

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"Picture in a swimsuit number time!" - commented on the artist.

"Photoshop is how much," the subscribers of its microbloga rid.

Tayurskaya immediately parried Heites. "The only instagram mask," answered the singer.

She insists that he never resorted to plastic, and her body is the result of a hard work on himself. Sophia also stated that masterfully knows how to emphasize the advantages of the right angle.

"I have no plastic! I have all my own, it is first, secondly, no one cancels a successful perspective and filters! For everyone who writes that I have a chest made, I hurry to disappoint you. I have my own breast, "the biddress performer convinced.

By the way, the "Creators of Beauty" agree with the girl, who could not consider on the body of the stars the consequences of surgical intervention.

"I don't see Sophia Tayur, neither signs of mammoplasty, nor traces of the removal of Kischkov Bisha," the TELEPROGRAMA.PRO publication is a plastic surgeon Madina Bayramukov.

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