Star "argument" revealed the story detail of Christopher Nolana


In an interview with the GQ edition, Robert Pattinson, who fulfilled one of the main roles in the film "Argument" Christopher Nolan, told about his film engineer. Of course, it was about the upcoming premiere of "argument." Being under the influence of non-disclosure agreement, Pattinson could have said little, but some details of the upcoming film shared.


According to the actor, the audience is waiting for a large-scale action. Grand scenery, which usually erected for culmination scenes of the film, here built everywhere. And when Pattinson says about everywhere, he really means the whole globe. After all, the shooting sites were scattered around the world. And the huge film crew rushed between them. In addition, when the Interviewer said that Pattinson's character is a time traveler, the actor corrected him:

He is not a traveler in time. There are no travel in the film. By the way, this is the only thing that I was allowed to tell about the plot.


The actor's statement is in conflict with the well-known descriptions of the film plot, which were based on early synopsis. For example, IMDB reports:

Epic on international espionage, travel time and evolution. Perhaps we are talking about trying to prevent the third world war by moving in time and revival.

In other sources, instead of "travel travel", the phrase "manipulation over time" is used. Perhaps we are talking about return to your own past, similar stories of the audience saw in the films "Surk Day" and "Future Future".

The premiere of the picture has not yet been transferred because of the pandemic, the audience will learn what is discussed, on July 17, 2020.

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