Singer Cher struggles for the release of an elephant from the Zoo "after 45 years of captivity"


74-year-old singer Cher is known not only to bright shows and incendiary hits. The performer is fighting for wild animal rights. It is a co-founder of the Free the Wild organization, which is engaged in the liberation of animals contained in neighborhoods in zoos, and their adaptation in a natural habitat. Recently it became known that the singer sent a letter to the Mayor Edmonton Don Aveson and the director of the Edmonton Valley Zoo Gary Dwairu with a call to "free the elephant named Lucy after 45 years of captivity." Cher asks to send to Lucy doctor so that he can determine the state of her health.

The Cher's letter was written after Dr. Rick Quinn, the vet and the director of the Jane Goodoll Institute, sent a message to the co-founder of Free The Wild Gin Neutlorop Coon, which argued that Lucy is the only elephant who lives in the subarctic conditions of Canada over 40 years. Lucy has never been along with other elephants and rarely interacts even with people because of the limited time of the Oponton Valley Zoo. "She has overweight, it suffers from serious arthritis and foot disease. It will hardly transfer weight in the hind legs and due to the inappropriate diet suffers from dental problems and painful colic, because of which fainted - she lay, clapping her belly by a trunk, "the doctor writes in his message.

Cher asked to free Lucy, because she was left to live about 15 years, and during this time she may have time to join its natural habitat. The singer promised to find a peaceful decision to liberate the elephants and other animals.

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