It would be fun: Bill Murray could replace the volume of cruise in the film "With widespread eyes"


The cult tape "With widespread eyes" in 1999 was the last project of the director Stanley Kubrick. He died a week after the end of the film and a few months before the premiere. The main role in the film was performed by Tom Cruise and his then wife Nicole Kidman.

On August 18, a new biography of the director, written by Professor of Houston University David Mikich and published by the publishing house Yale University Press. The author of the book found a list of actors who wanted to try this role in the record books directed by the director. And for the initial version of the picture Tom Cruise did not fit. According to the director, a major role was necessary to give the actor with a pronounced comic component. The hero was supposed to use humor as a protective mechanism. Therefore, Bill Murray, Tom Hanks, Woody Allen, Steve Martin, Dustin Hoffman, Albert Brooks and Sam Shepard.

It would be fun: Bill Murray could replace the volume of cruise in the film

Tom Cruise in the original list was not. But when Kubrick began working on the film, he changed the concept. Now the main character became completely defenseless. And serious Cruz is better than others approached a new directorial vision.

The New York Times edition characterizes the Book of Mikichu:

Excellent smart book about steep talent. This is not a complete biography of Kubrick, but deep study of his films on the background of the context, which adds brightness and contrast.

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