Kelly Osborne cry, putting bikini


Kelly Osbourne has nothing to hide: she snapped 48 pounds, participating in the "dance with the stars" this year. And she keeps this weight so far! She was asked how she felt her, putting bikini for the first time. "I cried when I saw this photo," the star of a reality show admits. "All who were there, we all just loosened. It was an exciting experience! "

Since its stay at Dance with Stars, Osborne continues to study with the famous Sarah Hagaman coach to stay in shape. "I just force myself to do half an hour a day. It does not seem to something terrible, and I easily cope with it, "she says. "I expect half an hour of the treadmill, and when I feel that I can do more, I do several approaches of squats and do with weights."

Her efforts undoubtedly bring fruit. She is now in better shape. Kelly admits that she finally can afford to wear designer clothes that he always dreamed. "Now any designer sends me all that I want, and I can not believe that it happens to me," she says.

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