Interview Robert Pattinson for Seventeen Magazine. Argentina. June 2010.


Seventeen Magazine: I do not believe that I'm talking to you! Thanks in advance for the interview.

Robert Pattison: Wow, I'm glad.

Seventeen Magazine: What experience did you get experience from filming the movie "Saga. Summer"?

Robert Pattison : Unexpected experience. Three years ago, I could not imagine what happened in my life. Now I incredibly busy all the time traveling around the world. It's great!

Seventeen Magazine: Kristen Stewart is an actress with great filmmaker experience. What is it working with her?

Robert Pattison: Kristen Magnificent actress. I think we have a similar approach to work. I mean that we both seem to act: read scenarios, and everything you have to do during the filming, we take very seriously.

Seventeen Magazine: You have a lot of scenes in the third film "Saga. Comment". Which of them were particularly hard for you?

Robert Pattison : I think the most difficult scenes, in my opinion, this is a scene of fights. At the end of the film - a grandiose battle. Scenes of fights filmed with artificial snow and snow made of paper. Then everything suddenly wet, and the entire floor was incredibly slippery, it's worse than the real snow or ice! Because of this it was very difficult and even risky to work.

Seventeen Magazine: What lesson did you teach your character Edward?

Robert Pattison: Once my father told me that you need to treat all people well, especially when you become successful. Because success is breeding, as everything in this world is essentially, and the same people will continue to treat you well. Something similar I felt after the role of Edward.

Seventeen Magazine: What is this - to be an actor?

Robert Pattison: I think this is a daily job when to interpret character you need to make an extensive study on any material that you think can help. Anything! You can listen to music, enjoy art, read several books or just study people, explore them. I think only acting allows you to do it all.

Seventeen Magazine : Can you describe your life?

Robert Pattison: No, but I try to understand everything and everyone, I believe that I will succeed.

Seventeen Magazine: Were any most extreme situations with fans?

Robert Pattison: Were. For example, one of the most extreme experiences I have experienced, probably when we were with Promotur of the first film "Twilight" in Mexico City. We tried to get out of the cinema. There were hundreds of thousands of girls on the street, we snuck up to the car, already sat down, closed the door and had to leave, but one girl opened the car door. They suddenly clung to the door, and these of their faces - for a second I was afraid that now I would just pull me out, and nothing will remain from me. Suddenly the driver gaped and just left the open door. Those girls from surprise released the door, although their hands would probably have sick. In my opinion it is very extreme.

Seventeen Magazine: What do you think, what information about you would surprise your fans?

Robert Pattison : I do not know, probably nothing already. Well, maybe I'm not a vampire?!

Seventeen Magazine: Are there any features of your character, common with Edward?

Robert Pattison : One characteristic overall feature of us, perhaps, is that Edward does not see the need to express his thoughts with words. Actions can show much more than you want to say. I think it is characteristic of me. I try not to talk a lot.

Seventeen Magazine : If you got the opportunities of Edward Cullen for one day, what would you do?

Robert Pattison: Wow, I do not know. Probably all day jumped along high buildings.

Seventeen Magazine: What is the main thing for you in your life?

Robert Pattison: So that my life remains normal, there was a family, the friends of the same, with whom I was friends from childhood so that I myself remained the same. My agent and my manager really follow me and do not allow my ego to increase and get sick with stellar disease.

Seventeen Magazine: You participated in charitable activities to assist the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. What did it gave you?

Robert Pattison: It made a strong impression on me. When you become famous, you spend a lot of time in thinking that it means and what to do with all these attention that surrounds you. When you find that you could use your fame in order to make good things, it's great. I hope that what I did, helped those people who live in Haiti.

Seventeen Magazine: Do you think that your actions will you inspire other people?

Robert Pattison: I do not know, I try. I think that if you work so much as you can, it acts on others. I would like to inspire people to change them in a positive side, and if lucky, this whole world will become better. I think that you can't judge yourself, do you do the world better or whether you are a source of inspiration for others. Other people should appreciate it.

Seventeen Magazine: Do you have disadvantages?

Robert Pattison : Many millions, I have almost all the flaws that happen.

Seventeen Magazine: What you dream, what are your dreams, what do you want to achieve?

Robert Pattison: I would like to release a music album. I would really like to fulfill this dream. I wrote songs all the time, but I never gave a lot of time music and even less work on the album.

Seventeen Magazine: These days you have a lot of fans. When did you study at school, have you been popular?

Robert Pattison : At school? There was no time at school. I was not popular.

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