Star "Games of Thrones" Emilia Clark regrets that he was filmed in "stupid militants"


"We are with a whale colleague by experience. We are about the same age, our characters have a similar journey, and like actors - we have a similar way to cinema. We both starred in the projects that were proud of, and in silly militants, which now regret, "Emilia told. She added that in the end they always returned to the "Game of Thrones", but soon the series will come to an end, and the actress will go to free swimming.


Clark's stupid militants regret not just so. Thanks to him in her filmography gained failures. That was the project "Terminator: Genesis" of 2015, in which the star played young Sarah Connor. Note that at the time, according to Clark, she admired the failure of the paintings with relief, as it meant that she would not have to return to this role.

She also played in the tape "Khan Solo: Star Wars. Stories, "who also could not pay off in the cinema. At the moment, the most successful Emilia project, in addition to the "Game of the Thrones," is a melodrama "before meeting with you," but she did not discharge love from professional critics.

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