"Such shoes will still be auction": Fans of Albina Janabayeva did not appreciate the male image


The other day, the 41-year-old singer posted a photo in Instagram in a new stage image. For the next speech, Albina chose a black trouser suit in a male style, and supplemented the image of sandals and massive silver earrings. The performer did not put the hair in a complex hairstyle: she chose to leave red curls leaving. "I love trouser suits," Albina signed pictures.

Contrary to expectations, not all fans remained delighted with the "male" image of the singer. Folloviers did not hide their disappointment and wrote about him in the comments to the post. "It's not sexy", "I think something is not very ... or only I think so", "This shoes will still be eager - bones will be more. You can pick up stylish, but comfortable sandals, "fans expressed their opinion.

However, as it is known, there is no taste and color of comrades, therefore, among the subscribers, Janabayeva found themselves and those whom the outfit was still liked. They supported the singer, sincerely bewildered as someone can criticize it. "Cool and chic image", "real icon of style", "a special kind of femininity in such a male costume," the new photos of devotees commented on the new photos.

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