In the name of the movie: Jennifer Lopez with the bridegroom visited the strip club


Directed by Lorin Spafary paintings thanked Lopez because, thanks to her research in the "fields", the film turned out as close as possible to reality. "They went to the striptease with Alex, after which Jennifer threw me a couple of fresh ideas," said Spafaria in an interview with The Vulture. She admitted that by writing a scenario, she did not see anyone in the role of Ramona, except Lopez, and was incredibly happy when she took an invitation. After that, it was not difficult to choose a decent cast, everyone wanted to shoot with Jennifer.

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The director also noted that the actress, despite the excellent choreographic training, had to train a lot. "Dancing on Pilon is not like anything else. You will need to pump the muscles, the existence of which you have not even suspected, "explains Spafia. It is interesting that besides Lopez in the "stripters" played Cardi bi, which before becoming a hip-hop performer, worked in the present strip club.

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Recall that the plot of the film is based on real events. In the center of exciting history - a group of dancers who decided to go in the footsteps of Robin Hood and steal money from rich customers. In Russian rental, the picture will be released on September 12, while we look at the first trailer.

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