Jennifer Lopez with a former husband Mark Anthony supported children at school competition


No jealousy in relation to Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony now is not noticed, they had a good time, supporting their general children of Max and Emma. The eleventeenth-old twins participated in the sports event in one of Miami parks and received double support for their parents and their beloved.

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Jennifer Lopez with a former husband Mark Anthony supported children at school competition 166261_3

Jennifer Lopez with a former husband Mark Anthony supported children at school competition 166261_4

Jennifer came with her fiance, 44-year-old Alex Rodriguez, and Mark Anthony brought his 31-year-old girl Rafaello Modugno. Both pairs were dressed very simple, if not to say, usually, and almost lost in the crowd. But, according to eyewitnesses, throughout the competition, they sincerely joked, laughed and talked a lot, spending time well.

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Lopez and Anthony got married in 2004 and decided to disperse in 2011. It is noteworthy that they officially issued divorce only in 2014, apparently waiting for twins to grow up. As a reason for the rupture, they called complexity in life and some contradictions in the family. As you can see, it did not prevent them from staying good friends.

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