Prokhor Shalyapin compared himself with "manufacturers": "Of course, I envy something"


Singer Prokhor Shalyapin spoke about his attitude to other graduates of the "Star Factory". The artist disadvantaged on the air of the Youtube show of Lyubov Terletskaya.

According to celebrities, in show business, popularity depends largely on finance, which is why he envies many of its colleagues in the factory.

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"All the guys from the" Star Factory ", which kept in the media space with songs and ether, still had unlimited financial capabilities. Of course, in something I envy them, because they could remove beautiful clips and buy a hit. But our "manufacturers" are talented people against the background of tickeners, forgive me, "said Shalyapin.

He noted that he himself tries to support relations with the participants of the show, but not everyone goes to contact him.

"I want to maintain relationships with graduates of the project, but not all of them strive to be the same. I look at my colleagues in the factory and I do not see competitors in them, because I have completely different glances to music. Those songs that fulfill them, I would not take into my repertoire, "the artist admits.

Shalyapin noticed that the success of Dmitry Sordun was sincerely rejoiced, who was his friend throughout the 6th season, as well as singer Sogdiana, which he considers modern Sophia Rotaru.

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